An Undergraduate Student from India, Amit Shekhar

Amit Shekhar

Author: Chiu, Cheng-Chieh

This column should be the last one in this semester. In this semester year, there were a lot of international students come from different countries such as Germany, Vietnam, and Indian to Dayeh University. Although these students have different purposes to be here at Dayeh University, most of them consider that Dayeh University has the good environment and equipments to acquire new knowledge or do researches. Therefore, Dayeh University still welcomes more international students to join our family.


In this column, we would like to introduce an Indian undergraduate student whose mane is Amit Shekhar. He is a junior of the department of and Materials Engineering, Indian Institute Technology. However, he is one of the group members for the project about silver nano-particles, and the supervisor of the project is Prof. Yaw-Kuo Twu from the department of Bioindustry Technology. .

  而在這一期,我們要介紹一位來自印度的大學生,他的名字是Amit Shekhar。他是印度科技學院大三的學生。而目前他則是本校生物產業科技學系涂耀國教授所主持有關銀奈米研究計劃的研究成員之一。

Because Amit Shekhar read a paper wrote by Prof. Twu on the internet and he felt interesting for the topic, hence, he connected with Prof.. Twu and also decided to come to Dayeh University for a 2 months internship to do the project. Besides, he considers that Dayeh University has excellent lab facilities for students to pursue their research interests.

  因為Amit Shekhar在網路上讀了一篇由涂教授所撰寫的文章,並對涂教授所研究的領域有著濃厚的興趣,因此,他便主動與涂教授聯絡,也決定來大葉大學當兩個月的研究計劃實習生。此外,他也認為大葉大學實驗室的相關設備十分齊全,更能激發學生對於學術研究方面的興趣。

When Amit Shekhar arrived Taiwan, he faced some problems in his daily life but his classmates gave him a lot of help to solve these problems. He feels that Taiwanese people are really friendly and helpful, and Taiwan is a clean and beautiful country. On the other hand, in the first instance, he could not acclimatize with the food in Taiwan. Because most of people in India are vegetarian, and they also like spicy food, yet, Taiwanese fool are usually plain and less spicy.

  而當Amit Shekhar剛到台灣時,生活上也面到一些小問題,所幸班上同學們都不吝給予協助,也替他解決了不少問題。他覺得台灣人都十分地友善也喜歡向別人伸出援手,而台灣更是一個乾淨且美麗的國家。另一方面,他起初對於台灣的食物還不太適應,因為大部分印度人都是素食主義者,更偏好辣味的食物。而台灣的食物Amit認為相較之下則顯得較為清淡且不辣。

During these two months in Taiwan, Amit Shekhar hopes he can learn more about silver nano-particles and accomplish the project to achieve the expectation of Prof. Yaw-Kuo Twu and my research group. Besides, he also wants to make more friends in Taiwan and know more about Taiwanese cultures.

  在這兩個月的時間,Amit 希望能學習到更多有關銀奈米的相關知識,並且完成這個由涂教授主持的研究計劃,達到他們事先所期待的結果。同時,他也希望能利用這段時間,多認識幾位台灣朋友,也能多瞭解台灣的文化。