Germany Teaching Assistant in Sport Business Management

Christoph Ferstl

Author: Chiu, Cheng-Chieh

In the last issue of this semester, we would like to introduce another teaching assistant who also came from Germany, Christoph Ferstl.

  在這學期最後一次的專欄裡,我們要再介紹一位來自德國的助教 Christoph Ferstl。

Christoph chooses Taiwan to study aboard because his professor in Germany introduced him Dayeh University is an appropriate place for international students to study aboard. On the other hand, international students in Dayeh University can get a scholarship if their accomplishments are good enough. Furthermore, Dayeh University always takes care of international students very well and often hold different activities or parties for students from different countries to communicate with each other.

  因為德國教授的推薦,Christoph Ferstl 選擇台灣為出國留學的國家,而他的教授也介紹他進入大葉大學就讀,並且認為大葉十分適合外籍學生前來就讀。另一方面,假如外籍生的成績達到一定的水準,學校也會定期頒發獎學金給外籍學生。此外,大葉大學非常照顧外籍學生,也經常舉辦不同的活動或是派對讓這些來自不同國家的外籍生能相互交流。

When he arrived Taiwan, he felt the culture is totally different from Germany. For example, he was shocked by the washroom because the toilet paper is not usually offered at public places, and it is very different from Germany. However, He considers the environment of DYU is very comfortable and students are friendly. He also mentioned about the he likes Taiwanese food very much especially the Taiwanese noodles.


In Sport Business Management, Christoph always spends his lunch time in the office every Monday and Wednesday to teach English or Germany for Taiwanese students and he can also learn some Chinese communication skills when he discuss with different students. So, if you are interesting in Germany culture or just want to talk with him, you can contact with him during this time. Besides, during the period staying in Taiwan, he hopes he can learn more Taiwanese culture and get some friends here.

  在運動管理學系的系辦公室裡,Christoph 都會撥空在每個星期一與星期三的中午用餐時間來教台灣學生英文或是德文,同時他也能藉由與台灣學生溝通的過程中學習一些中文的口語說話技巧。因此,如果你對德國文化有興趣或是想跟他說說話,你可以利用這個時間與他聯繫。而Christoph也希望在台灣的這段時間,能學習到更多的台灣文化及交到台灣朋友。